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SA to stick with late night pub lock-outs

South Australia will stick with its late-night lock-out for pubs and clubs with the state government hailing it a success in cutting alcohol-related violence.

The government says the provisions will stay in place for at least another 12 months following a review.

They prevent patrons who leave a venue after 3am from re-entering or moving to another venue.

The government has also backed some changes to the late night code including restricting promotions that lead to excessive alcohol consumption from 2am instead of 4am and to force venues to supply drinks in plastic cups rather than glasses from 2am.

Attorney-General John Rau says there's good evidence to show the code is working to improve public safety with a significant drop in alcohol-related offences.

But he says the government is also prepared to go further if needed.

"At the moment we think the steady-as-she-goes approach is the appropriate one, but with our eyes open," he said.

"If it looks like we need to tighten it up again, we'll certainly consider that."

© AAP 2015

Source: Nine News, July 29th 2015
Originally published as: SA to stick with late night pub lock-outs