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Jamie Oliver’s mobile food van arrives in Melbourne

JAMIE Oliver’s mission to teach everyone how to cook has hit town with his mobile kitchen arriving in Melbourne for the first time.

The Ministry of Food mobile kitchen is stationed in Parkville for the next five weeks, offering cooking classes for 12 people at a time.

Ministry of Food trainer Laura Duft said 600 Melbourne people would complete the classes.

“We teach 16 recipes across five weeks and we know we produce long-term benefits to people who now cook for their families,” Ms Duft said.

“Some of the people we see have never cooked vegetables before and the majority of our participants are also over-eating in terms of portion size so we also teach them about healthy portions.”

Latest Federal Department of Health research shows only 5 per cent of Australian adults meet the guidelines of eating five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit a day.

The Ministry of Food van has been proven to have a significant impact, with a study last year showing that even six months after completing the course, participants purchased and consumed more vegetables, spent less on takeaway and were more confident in cooking meals from scratch.

Mr Oliver said the study was based on the Ministry of Food’s presence in Ipswich, Queensland, for five months.

Classes cost $20, with a new Victorian location for the van to be announced soon.


Source: Herald Sun, Catherine Lambert, 16th August 2015
Originally published as: Jamie Oliver’s mobile food van arrives in Melbourne