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Virgin Australia brings Nespresso to the skies

Virgin Australia's latest play for fussy high-flyers will see Nespresso coffee served in its new domestic business class service, which takes wing today.

Getting a good coffee on board has long been a challenge for airlines and travellers alike, so Virgin tapped aviation specialist B/E Aerospace to develop a machine capable of creating the finest coffee at 30,000 feet.

The result is the 'Nespresso by B/E Aerospace' system, which makes its worldwide debut this week with Virgin Australia.

Virgin claims the new machine matches Nespresso’s "exacting standards of coffee flow time, volume and temperature, coffee yield, and crema and milk foam quality."

And this is important stuff, says Virgin Australia CEO John Borghetti.

"At last, you'll be able to get a decent coffee on an airplane!" Borghetti exclaims. 

"I know it sounds like a small thing, but I can't find anyone who likes airline coffee. Now, the Nespresso coffee here is as good as the one you'll get in your home, and if it's good enough for George Clooney..."

Three Nespresso Grand Crus coffee blends will be available – Ristretto Intenso, Espresso Forte and Espresso Decaffeinato – served in espresso, cappuccino, macchiato, long black and ristretto styles.

"Over the years we have been able to continue to delight our customers with unexpected food and beverage experiences on board" said Virgin Australia’s resident head chef, Luke Mangan.

"Together we have tackled how to best overcome the fact that we lose 30 per cent of our ability to taste in the sky and now, working with Nespresso will enable us to have an even more creative approach when it comes to developing coffee- inspired drinks and on board treats."


Source: Australian Business Traveller, Siddharth Raja, 17th August 2015
Originally published as: Virgin Australia brings Nespresso to the skies