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Holly gives up flying to open cafe

CHANGING careers after more than 10 years, Holly Irving from Bayswater is feeling a mixture of emotions.

The former flight attendant will next month open her first cafe in Bassendean, called Holly Raye’s, on James Street.

Mrs Irving said it had been an exciting and scary venture.

“I always baked on the side and I was always interested in food,” she said.

“I have been wanting to do this for a couple of years; I spent my overnights in Melbourne exploring and doing research.

“I am sad to give flight attending away and I will miss my friends, but coffee is my true passion.”

With the grand opening set for September 22, Mrs Irving said she was getting excited.

“I started looking for a location about 18 months ago and this is the fifth lease I have pursued,” she said.

“I looked in Mt Hawthorn and Bayswater, then this came up and it all worked out.”

The business venture is a family affair with Mrs Irving’s mum, husband and sister all involved.

“Mum and dad owned cafes before and mum will be baking, my sister is a barista and my husband is carpenter so he has been preparing the space,” she said.

There are also plans to create a mural on the exterior side wall of the cafe space, but Mrs Irving is leaving that as a surprise for locals.


Source: Community News - Eastern Reporter, Julian Wright, 25th August 2015
Originally published as: Holly gives up flying to open cafe