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Brother ends up in hospital after Darwin pub attack backfires

Two brothers seeking to attack two men in a Darwin pub have been fined and one has ended up in hospital after his sibling accidentally hit him in the head with a chair aimed at someone else.

Brothers fined in Mitchell Street
Two brothers have been fined for fighting in Mitchell Street. (ABC: Xavier La Canna)

The two West Australian men were drinking at a bar in Darwin's nightclub strip in Mitchell Street on Saturday night when they became aggressive, NT Police Superintendent Louise Jorgensen said.

"They became very drunk and were picking fights with other innocent patrons, and they honed in on two particular males," Superintendent Jorgensen said.

But the would-be attack went terribly wrong for the men when one picked up a chair.

"One of the brothers picked up a chair to assault these males but instead he struck his brother over the head," Superintendent Jorgensen said.

"The brother fell on the ground.

"He had a very nasty head laceration and some broken teeth.

"He was taken to hospital, and his brother was taken to the cells and both of received an infringement notice for fighting."


NT's dumbest criminals

August 2014 - A man took part in an attack in Darwin's CBD then took off his top and ran around, revealing his name tattooed across his back. 

November 2013 - A person advertises to sell "grade A medical cannabis kush" on a well known Darwin Facebook page, along with photos of his goods. Police later arrest him, with one detective saying: "I think there is a village out there missing its idiot."

October 2013 - A bike thief riding along Daly Street near Darwin CBD was complimented by a passerby on his nice bike. His reply: "Thanks, I stole it". The pedestrian called police who captured the offender.

August 2012 - NT politician John Elferink was holding a media conference when a drunk man ran over to him and kicked him as part of a bet. Mr Elferink, a former policeman, tried to arrest the man, who was later fined $2,200 after being charged with aggravated assault and escaping lawful custody.

July 2012 - A Darwin man gained international notoriety after setting off a firecracker he had inserted into his buttocks. As well as suffering serious burns, the man ended up in hospital with a $282 fine for illegally setting off fireworks.

January 2008 - A 17-year-old girl in Alice Springs who was driving a car while unlicensed was caught at 1:00am with a high blood alcohol reading. She was bailed but caught again two hours later driving the same car and still drunk.


Source: ABC News, 14th September 2015
Originally published as: Brother ends up in hospital after Darwin pub attack backfires