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Managing the huge environmental footprint of hotels pays off, report says

If the environmental footprint made by the world tourism industry was compared to the footprint of a country, tourism would be the fifth biggest polluter worldwide, a report into the industry has found.

Analysis of 1047 global industry properties over seven years found proven financial returns on investment for those which measured and managed their resources.

Conducted by EarthCheck, a scientific certification group for travel and tourism, in collaboration with Griffith University, the study is the first time electricity, water and waste production has been independently measured across the world.

Seven years after joining EarthCheck, the Radisson Blu Hotel in Sydney has dramatically reviewed its own energy efficiency, water conservation and waste plans.

Changes have resulted in the saving of six Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water, greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking 601 cars off the road and enough energy to support 400 average four-person households.

"It's mind blowing. Every year you look at the year before and say, gee, there is a lot of opportunity to improve," said Radisson Blu Sydney hotel manager Peter Rugg.

"Hotels are small worlds. There are so many parties: suppliers, food produce, packaging," he said, adding "we impact so many areas of all sorts of industries."

Tourism Water Footprint

If the environmental footprint made by the world tourism industry was compared to the footprint of a country, tourism would be the fifth biggest polluter worldwide, a report into the industry has found.

Analysis of 1047 global industry properties over seven years found proven financial returns on investment for those which measured and managed their resources.

Conducted by EarthCheck, a scientific certification group for travel and tourism, in collaboration with Griffith University, the study is the first time electricity, water and waste production has been independently measured across the world.

Seven years after joining EarthCheck, the Radisson Blu Hotel in Sydney has dramatically reviewed its own energy efficiency, water conservation and waste plans.

Changes have resulted in the saving of six Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of water, greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking 601 cars off the road and enough energy to support 400 average four-person households.

"It's mind blowing. Every year you look at the year before and say, gee, there is a lot of opportunity to improve," said Radisson Blu Sydney hotel manager Peter Rugg.

"Hotels are small worlds. There are so many parties: suppliers, food produce, packaging," he said, adding "we impact so many areas of all sorts of industries."

Tourism Water Footprint

The decision to join the EarthCheck program came as part of a company-wide approach to enact environmental changes to the hotel, which has reported savings of more than $700,000 dollars over seven years. 

Some of the tangible changes included LED lights being installed around 80 per cent of the building, ensuring air-conditioning and appliances are turned off by housekeeping in empty rooms, installing water efficient taps and using no chemicals in rooms, except to clean toilets.

"It does come down to the bottom line. There's a massive bottom line positive impact. Looking at reductions in water usage and electricity usage, they come hand in hand as benefiting the business and the environment," said Mr Rugg.

CEO of EarthCheck Stewart Moore said the study is significant because it is the first time there has been a globally consistent measurement.

"[Hotels] all face the same operational issues, but at different levels depending on size."

The research incorporated urban hotels, resort leisure-based hotels and residential hotels, all of which signed up to the formal benchmarking and certification process.

"They are required to collect data across the hotel and have it audited...we have third party auditors to check on site. We then have a software program that takes all that data in and can provide them with reports on their operation within their sector, region and also around the world," Mr Moore said.

The EarthCheck report covered 99 datasets for Australian accommodation businesses over seven years. Over the period member organisations reported an average annual reduction of electricity of 3.9 per cent, while for some it was 6 per cent, resulting in an average annual saving of $2,476,010.

For water, the average annual reduction rate was 0.4 per cent, while average waste production was reduced by 10.6 per cent each year, equating to a total average saving of $1,097,323 across all Australian properties over the seven years.  

Mr Rugg said even when it may cost a little more to ensure the hotel's practices are more sustainable, in 2015 there is no other choice.

"The world at large recognises we're impacting the environment ... So we do go out of our way, even if it does cost a bit more."

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, Lucy Cormack, 15th September 2015
Originally published as: Managing the huge environmental footprint of hotels pays off, report says