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Construction for new hotel in Hurstville set to begin

Ground has been broken on Hurstville’s first hotel, as Club Central is set to begin excavation work on its $60 million project to expand Club Central...

Sydney chef accused of spiking drink and raping co-worker

A Sydney chef is facing court over allegations he spiked a co-workers drink and raped her. A jury has heard that the 33-year-old chef allegedly brought...

McDonald's to appeal after losing EU trademark battle over the Big Mac

McDonald’s has lost out in its battle in the European courts over its trademark on its Big Mac burger in the EU. The David and Goliath legal battle...

Social media slams culturally confused Greek salad

When is a Greek salad not a Greek salad? When it is served with Italian dressing. The salad in question, believed to have been served at the Semaphore...

Teenage robber slashes chef in Ipswich

A chef in Ipswich has been slashed with a knife during a fight with a teenage boy who allegedly attempted to rob the restaurant this week. The 16-year-old...

Sydney Airport threatens neighbours over naming rights

Sydney Airport is trying to stop hotels using its name in their titles, claiming it is an infringment of their trademark. The Sydney Airport Corporation...

Two Sydney premises suspended for serving liquor to minors

The Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) has ordered the Camden Hotel and Liquorland Bondi to close their doors temporarily following breaches...

Almond Breeze Barista Blend - the lowest sugar choice almond milk

As Australian consumers become more aware of the health impact of excessive sugar consumption, Almond Breeze Barista Blend is continuing to serve cafés...

Canberra venues battle over noise complaints

Two Lonsdale Street venues are clashing over noise issues, with the Tipsy Bull restaurant claiming excessive noise from the Hopscotch Bar next door is...

UK restaurateur denies turning his home into a restaurant

A man in the UK has denied running a Japanese restaurant from his home, despite having a large illuminated sign hanging above his front door. The Norwich...