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Milky Lane in trouble over Instagram pic

Bondi Beach hip joint Milky Lane has run into strife after a photograph of the chef smoking was posted to Instagram. Now it’s being investigated by...

Canberra’s failing food regulations

Canberra has a problem with its eateries – many are failing hygiene checks. The ACT government has scrapped its proposal for “scores on doors” restaurant...

Capsule hotels come to Australia

Australia is about to get its first capsule hotel. It’s a concept that was pioneered in Japan. Measuring 1.25 metres in dimension, the capsule hotel...

Perth’s hotels: cheaper and more available

There was a time when Perth had the most expensive hotel rooms in the country. The city’s hotels had record occupancy rates. That was when the mining...

Staff shortage creates Sydney catering crisis

There’s a big problem now hitting key Sydney events – they can’t get skilled staff to do the basics. Like serving a meal or pouring a beer. One...

ACCC concerns about craft beer access to pubs

Australia’s corporate regulator has identified the lack of access that the growing number of craft and boutique brewers are getting to the broader beer...

Fast food operator allegedly underpaid Korean employees $108,000, fabricated records

The owner-operator of a chain of fast food outlets in Sydney is facing Court for allegedly underpaying 11 Korean employees more than $108,000 and fabricating...

Don’t ignore the Airbnb threat: Accor boss Michael Issenberg

AccorHotels Asia Pacific boss Michael Issenberg has a word of warning for Australian hoteliers: don’t ignore Airbnb. Mr Issenberg, who was in Australia...

Canberra wants lock out laws

People in Canberra want 3am last drinks for bars, clubs and pubs. According to ReachTEL polling commissioned by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and...

Crown creates $2 billion hotel property trust

Crown has plans to spin off five hotels into a new $2 billion. This is significant because it create a vehicle offering investors exposure to the strongly...