International chef reveals her tricks to mastering a dessert

Goodman Fielder Food Service speaks with Ukrainian chef, Dinara Kasko, who reveals how she has created herself a point-of-difference with her dessert creations by incorporating a 3D printer.

The 29-year-old has been a pastry chef for two years and has recently started to create her desserts using a 3D printer. Speaking to Goodman Fielder Food Service, Dinara revealed she wanted a point of difference to other chefs within the industry.

She explained her “concept is to create cakes that are objects of design. When people see them at first, it’s not clear to them whether it’s something edible. I like that,” she told the Financial Review.


Since working with a 3D printer, she has developed a global presence, along with inimitable masterpieces. To ensure her desserts are unique and different to others already on the market, Dinara uses the printer to create moulds for the raw ingredients of her dishes.

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19th July 2018

Goodman Fielder Foodservice

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