How Your POS Can Pay for Itself

Uniwell - How Your POS Can Pay for Itself

It has been well documented how modern point of sale systems can benefit the operation and management of hospitality venues – from greatly improved efficiency through to analytical data reporting. However it would be fair to say that many smaller businesses struggle to justify the investment required to install a comprehensive POS solution. 

However, what if there was a method of getting your POS system to ‘pay its own way’?  Here’s how to get a new POS solution that benefits your venue but doesn’t break the bank… in fact, it can actually earn an income!


How to do it:

  • Purchase a Uniwell4POS system that includes an LCD Customer Display
  • Find 5 local businesses, such as local tradespeople, business services or community clubs, that want to purchase advertising space on your Customer Display (for example, start from as low as $50 +GST per month)
  • Get your 5 new advertising partners to provide suitable promotional images for you to load onto your Customer Display
  • Add your own marketing images so that your promotions alternate with those of your advertising partners - a total of 10 images on a 12 second rotation equates to each promotion typically appearing once every two minutes for the whole time that your venue is open


How you benefit:

  • You get a state-of-the-art POS system that improves your business and actually generates its own income (using the pricing example mentioned above, 5 x $50 = $250 per month, or $3,000 per year)
  • You provide a low cost advertising opportunity, entrenching your venue in the local business community
  • Your advertising partners have a vested interest in supporting your business and will more likely become vocal advocates
  • The cross-promotion opportunities (such as social media collaboration, ‘mention this ad’ promotions etc.) are limited only by your imagination


And remember, Uniwell POS Australia has finance available – so you could configure your promotion program so that your advertising income covers your POS repayments.

Your point of sale system should not be viewed simply as a necessary tool that doesn’t have a positive impact on your business.


If you would like to know more about how our embedded touchscreen POS systems can help to boost your business, please contact Uniwell POS Australia.



4th December 2018 

Uniwell POS Australia

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