Winestate Wine of the Year “Roadshow” 2015
During 2014 Winestate Magazine judged over 10,000 wines and in November 2014 the winner in each category was announced – with the Winestate Wine of the Year 2014 awarded to “Mollydooker Carnival of Love Shiraz 2012”. The Australian Wine Company of the Year 2014 was won by Wines by Geoff Hardy. The New Zealand Wine Company of the Year 2014 was Saint Clair.
As part of the promotion of Australian and New Zealand Wines, Winestate Magazine is bringing the Winestate “Roadshow” to Sydney on WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE 2015.
At this event guests will have the opportunity to taste over 60 winning wines from 2014 in all categories, meet the winery owners and more. In addition the Best of the Hunter Valley will be available to taste as a separate tasting.
The event is sponsored by Australia’s leading hospitality supplier, Trenton International – importers of Luigi Bormioli Glassware, the official Winestate Wine of the Year glass range.
There are two parts to the tasting:
1pm – 5pm – Trade, Wholesale, Hospitality and Professional (including Media)
6.30pm – 8.30pm – Winestate Magazine Subscribers and Guests (300 maximum).
Trenton International
Unit 2, 9 Canal Road
There is NO cost for the (catered) event although RSVP is required.
Please RSVP to Peter Jackson and advise the tasting you wish to attend. For Trade Guests (afternoon tasting only) please advise your Company or Business name.