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NSW government launches the Kickstart Your Career in Hospitality campaign

The NSW government is getting behind the hospitality industry to help ease the staff shortage crisis.

The Perrottet government has launched the Kickstart Your Career in Hospitality campaign in Willoughby to alleviate the pressure on venues and to highlight the benefits of a long-term career.

Minister for Hospitality and Racing Kevin Anderson said, “The NSW Government is already providing significant support to entice people to join the industry or upskill, through a variety of free short training courses. This will now be promoted by a targeted campaign to encourage people to consider starting their career in hospitality.

“Hospitality has traditionally been viewed as a short-term employment option, but this campaign highlights the broad range of opportunities that exist for people wanting a rewarding and long-term career.”

There are currently a range of free courses available through the NSW Government, which has recognised how critical the hospitality industry is to the economics of local communities.

Through The Kickstart your Career in Hospitality program, members can train for free and “get the skills needed for a job at a local pub, club, café or restaurant,” Member for Willoughby Tim James said.

The campaign will run for five weeks and was designed in partnership with ClubsNSW, Australian Hotels Association and NSW Restaurant and Caterers Association.

A range of advertisements will run through a variety of social media and television platforms and will help drive people to the hospitality career site where they can explore job vacancies and courses.

The NSW government has also launched a Hospitality Concierge service which helps new hospitality businesses start up, or existing ones to grow. The service looks at a range of options including alfresco dining that expands the service offering.


Jonathan Jackson - 5-12-22