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More police presence as pub violence in Warrnambool spirals out of control

Alcohol fuelled violence across the Warrnambool region could lead to several 12 month bans for troublemakers.

Several violent patrons are already facing banishment, with Warrnambool's liquor accord to vote next month on the punishment.

There have been a spate of violent incidences across Warrnambool, which authorities are trying to contain. One involved an 18-year-old teenager who was charged with allegedly glassing a man he knew at a Warrnambool nightclub.

This was one of two alleged glassings at the venue over the weekend.

There is a growing list of anti-social behaviour.

On Monday, the Seanchai Irish Pub was the topic of discussion after four men pleaded guilty in Warrnambool Magistrates Court to separate incidents of anti-social and violent behaviour.

A father and son were fined $1000 for assaulting a woman at another venue, with another man fined $200 for resisting security staff after being kicked out of the venue he was drinking at.

In another incident a man hit his victim in the head with a pint glass. He will be sentenced today after the victim required five stitches.

The liquor accord was established to provide a united front with licensees and police to tackle issues specific to the region. Members meet and vote regularly on the fate of offenders.

Warrnambool police Liquor Licensing Acting Sergeant Glenn Giles said police do heavily patrol the streets, while conducting regular compliance checks to ensure licensees were also doing the right thing.

He said more police will now be present at licenced venues, but encouraged responsible drinking.

Speaking the recent incidences of violence, Inspector Kane Robinson said, "A number of these have occurred in CBD licensed premises.

"Those venues have been visited and discussions had with licensees on the responsible service of alcohol and maintaining the amenity in line with their licence. We are also tasking for a visible presence during the hours of business."


Jonathan Jackson, 11th May 2023