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Adelaide nightclub accused of misogyny, cancels bra-based event

The Woolshed on Hindley in Adelaide will review its events policy after it was forced to apologise to punters for an upcoming event labelled as misogynistic.

The club has now cancelled the event, called ‘Hang you bra in the shed’ after severe backlash over a promotion that offered free drinks based on bra sizes.

In promoting the event, the venue’s social media stated: “Hanging your bra is uncomfortable, hang it up in the shed and let loose. That means you as well boys.”

The promotion would have seen women receive one free drink for an A cup bra size, two for a B cup, and three for a C cup.

Social media users expressed their displeasure.

One called it “misogynistic bulls**t”, while another said it was “disappointing that this was ever thought to be a good idea”. 

One Facebook user pointed out the potential issues: “The minute anything gets mentioned of free drinks and bras off or the bigger the better all the feral rabid sex-crazed creeps come out lurking”. 

The Woolshed apologised “for the fact that the post made some of our patrons feel uncomfortable and body-shamed, as this was never our intention”.

“Based on the feedback from our community, we have cancelled the promotion and are workshopping ideas for different promotions that promote a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all,” it continued. 

“Moving forward senior management will be reviewing all promotional activity to ensure that it creates an inclusive environment for all our patrons.”


Jonathan Jackson 8-6-23