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Popular Northern Beaches pub wins renovation court battle

A Northern Beaches pub has won a legal battle against more than 100 locals over a $2.8 million refurbishment.

The popular Harbord Hotel at Freshwater - known as the Harbord Hilton by locals - had planned to convert its first floor into another bar and lounge, with an open balcony.

Patrons would be allowed to eat and drink on the balcony for the first time in the pub’s history.

Plans hit a major hurdle when local planning authorities added several conditions, the owners thought to be unreasonable.

The owners took their case to the Land and Environment Court to appeal, having originally lodged the Development Application (DA) with Northern Beaches Council in 2021.

At that point, more than 100 objections were received by locals, with complaints ranging from concerns about increased noise and spikes in anti-social behaviour after closing time.

That’s when conditions were placed on the application, including limiting the number of patrons to 650. A further condition stated, “noise caused by the operation of amplified music must not be audible beyond the boundary of any residence between the hours of 10pm and 8am on any day”.

After almost two years and in a win for the owners, development consent was granted by Senior Commissioner Susan Dixon who said, “There is no expert evidence before the Court to support a refusal of this DA.”

The owners may now develop the bar and lounge to fit a maximum of 750 patrons with an increase to 800 on 12 occasions each calendar year.

It must also comply with Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing noise conditions including “noise from the licensed premises shall not be audible within any habitable room in any residential premises between the hours of midnight and 7am”.

The current plans will complement a $3 million renovation to its ground floor bars and restaurant undertaken a year prior to the recent application.

According to co-owner Glenn Piper the upgraded area will host comedy nights, trivia, local bands, podcasters and speakers. It will also include a kitchen, bar and lounge area with access to the balcony facing Moore Rd.

To reduce noise levels the owners will implement double glazed glass, up to 2m high, around the balcony.

“We want the venue to remain a community haven where people can have a beautiful experience,” he said.


Jonathan Jackson - 8-6-23