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Assault rates at hotels drop again, but drug figures worrying

AHA (NSW) CEO Paul Nicolaou has welcomed new Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) figures that show the assault rate outside licensed premises has dropped by almost 10% over the last quarter.

However, he admits he is concerned over the continuing rise in drug offences saying it is contributing to violent behaviour on our streets.

“Assault rates at licensed venues were already at their lowest levels in a decade so it is pleasing to see this downward trend continue with another drop of 9.3%,” he said.

“Hoteliers have taken a lot of proactive measures and worked with local police and their communities to help bring about this cultural shift. The reality is assaults on licensed premises are at a 10-year-old low, even in Kings Cross for example assaults over the last five years are down 37%.

“It is also pleasing to see that over the past two years the incidents of assault with a glass/bottle down by more than 20% across NSW.

“What is alarming, however, is to see drug offences continue to trend upwards – possession and use of amphetamines is up 26.3% and possession and use of other drugs is up by 4.5% while importing drugs is up by 138.2%!

“We have said for some time the drug/alcohol mix is a real problem in areas like Kings Cross and it is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently.”

Mr Nicolaou also noted that the figures revealed April 2012 was the worst month in a decade for the offence of “discharge firearm into premises.”

“I know the number of shootings in Western Sydney is a big concern of AHA (NSW) members and we wish police every success in putting an end to this problem,” he said.


Source: Australian Hotels Associations NSW (AHA NSW), 6 September 2012