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Venue staff fight for Kings Cross party precinct

Hugos owner Dave Evans speaks at the launch of the We Love Kings Cross campaign.


The "We Love Kings X" campaign can be simplified pretty easily: "Just Stop the street party."

Led by Hugos owner Dave Evans, the staff of Sydney's party precinct united this week to launch an attack on the controversial new state government liquor restrictions that are attempting to ban the sale of shots, doubles, and ready-to-drink beverages after midnight.

But Evans et al claim alcohol is not the problem and that the increase of violence in the Cross is largely due to the "terrible" lack of public transport and policing in the area.

"On any given weekend there could be 20,000 people in the Cross but the combined capacity of all the venues is only about 9000, so that leaves a lot out wandering the street," Evans told Confidential yesterday.

"The trains stop at 1.45am and don't start until 6am and there's hardly any cabs between 2.30am and 3.30am because of changeover, so there's a big problem there.

"It's chaos. It's basically one big street party. And we get minimal police every weekend."

The proposed rules were announced by the NSW government this month and affect 58 licensed venues in Kings Cross and Potts Point, including Hugos Bar Pizza, Barrio Chino, Bootleg Bar & Italian Food, Beach Haus and Tunnel.

Evans was happy to report he had a meeting to sit down and discuss the "workers" point of view with officials next week.

"We're the ones seeing it all happen and we need a zero tolerance policy (from police) - if someone is acting up in any way they need to be taken far away," Evans said.

The liquor and hospitality division of the United Voice union has announced its support for the campaign, echoing calls for improved transport and a greater police presence.


Source: The Herald Sun, 6 September 2012