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'Last drinks for thugs & idiots': AHA NSW

The hotel industry has welcomed the new Kings Cross Management Plan as the most comprehensive response from a Government in more than a decade to the problem of anti-social behaviour in an entertainment precinct.

AHA (NSW) CEO Paul Nicolaou responded to the measures – which include a linked ID scanning system and new transport measures - while touring the Central West.

“This plan provides real and practical solutions to the problem, not window dressing,” he said.

“This strategy is substantial and welcomed by the industry which will play its part to create an improved drinking and night-time culture in Kings Cross"

Mr Nicolaou said the introduction of ID scanners in every pub, club and strip joint in the Cross – and new laws allowing an individual to be banned from all licensed premises - were common-sense measures that would actually help clean-up the strip.

“We need to get the message through to these thugs that they are not wanted,” he said.

“For the first time, a linked scanning system will record exactly who is in the venue and ensure those doing the wrong thing are kicked out – and just as importantly - will not be allowed in anywhere else.

“These are practical measures that directly target those people doing the wrong thing, not the 99.9% of people who come to the Cross for a good time.

Mr Nicolaou has also welcomed extra transport measures taken by the Government to help get the 25,000 revellers in the Cross every Friday and Saturday night home safely.
“Transport has been a big issue in the Cross for years,” he said.

“After 1.30am people have no way to get home – the Government’s measures will go some way towards alleviating this problem.

“The message is simple – we can’t stop people coming to the Cross for a night out but we can work together to make it a lot safer.”

He also pointed out assault rates at licensed premises are already at their lowest levels in a decade.


Source: Australian Hotels Association NSW, 18 September 2012