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Social media a must for MICE

Social media is having a significant impact on the MICE and hospitality industry, giving businesses the opportunity to “create conversations and awareness”, according to Hilton Australasia ecommerce manager Laura Bogunia.

Ms Bogunia spoke with e-Travel Blackboard about the importance of adopting and implementing social media practices, considering the way in which online networks are challenging traditional business formats.

“Social media is changing the way we do everything, from our shopping habits to how we interact with peers and do business,” Ms Bogunia said.

The Meetings Incentives Conferences and Events (MICE) industry can take advantage of social media, using it to further engage guests and reach a larger audience than just those in attendance at events.

“For events, social media marketing can be used before, during and after the event,” Ms Bogunia said.

“Even after an event, social media can be used to continue to share information and begin to create interest for the next event.”

Ms Bogunia said the industry is still struggling to understand how to use social media in a commercial context, yet some are learning quicker than others.

“I see more and more events that are creatively and cleverly using social media to deliver great event experiences for guests and impressive event outcomes for clients,” she said.

“If businesses choose not to do social media they will lag behind their competitors and peers and miss out the chance to create conversations and awareness around their business.”

The number of people on social media and the influence it exerts on opinions, actions and word of mouth continues to grow and expand, not only for MICE and tourism but across all enterprises.

“Any business, regardless of industry, that is looking to adopt social media marketing needs to have a solid strategy,” Ms Bogunia said.

“This strategy should cover objectives, target audiences, the channels you will use, the content you will post and how you will measure the effectiveness of your social media activities.”

Ms Bogunia said that focused twitter hash tags, creating communities around topic events, generating discussion and interest and ensuring all your communications channels are working together is vital.

“It will no longer be an ‘if we can incorporate social media’ but a ‘how we incorporate social media’ discussion,” she said.

“I see it [social media] being used in a way that goes beyond pure promotion.”


Source: eTravel Blackboard, 8th October 2012