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Friends' Central Perk pop-up cafe coming to Sydney

It has been 11 long years since we reluctantly bid farewell to Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey. But at last, some reprieve for long-suffering Friends fans: Central...

Back-payment bill for Sydney café operators after Korean workers short-changed almost $40,000

Two backpackers and an international student from Korea have been short-changed almost $40,000 by a café operator in Sydney’s CBD, an investigation...

Williamtown oysters pose no food safety risk after firefighting foam contamination

Tests on oysters from the toxic leak fallout zone near the Williamtown air force base show they pose no food safety risk. PHOTO: Tests have been carried...

Chef's Tandoor Restaurant Review

For years, Chef's Tandoor restaurant has perched in sedate, suburban Surrey Hills. Its plush carpet unruffled by other Indian restaurants moving in around...

Cops assaulted in brawl outside country pub

TWO officers were assaulted in the early hours of Sunday morning after a brawl broke out near the Commonwealth Hotel on September 27. Up to five people...

SBS to launch dedicated 24 hour food channel

Celebrating cultural diversity through the love of food credited as key motivator behind SBS’s fourth free-to-air channel. The 24/7 channel will combine...

Shot of health

Did you pack up your shot glasses years ago after a regretful round of Squashed Frogs? Time to dig them out of the back of the cupboard; the shooter is...

Sydney airport hotel expansion hits turbulence

Denwol Group managing director Phillip Wolanski. Source: News Corp Australia   The publicly-listed Sydney Airport Corporation’s plans to develop...

Melbourne’s Hotel Windsor

A fresh attempt to save Melbourne’s The Windsor will be made on December 1. Source: Supplied   A fresh attempt to save Melbourne’s dowager hotel...

Noojee's famous dinosaur returns

Built in 1925, the Noojee Hotel catered for the growing timber industry in the area, providing accommodation and beer. Then in the early 1960s, a series...