[Video] Quick and Easy Summer Berry Pancake Recipe

Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe

These summer berry pancakes are quick and easy to make. The best thing about them is that you have so much flexibility with that toppings you use, which is awesome.




1 kg White Wings Pancake Mix Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe
1.5 L Milk
1 each Strawberries (Packet)
1 each Raspberries (Packet)
2 each Bananas
1 each Blue Berries (Packet)
30 mL Maple Syrup



Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe

Step 1:

Place the White Wings Pancake Mix in a bowl and slowly pour in the milk. Whisk until all ingredients have combined. It is important you don’t mix too much because the more you mix, the less fluffier the pancakes will become. You are also looking for a thick consistency so that the mix holds shape in the pan. So, just continue the motion until all lumps have dissolved.


Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe

Step 2:

Heat the pan to a low temperature and melt a teaspoon of butter. Having the pan on a low heat is important because the hotter the pan, the chances of you burning the outside of the pancakes and having a raw centre are high.


Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe

Step 3:

Once the butter has melted, pour a ladle of mixture into the pan and cook until bubbles appear and burst. Then, flip the pancake and cook for a further one minute.


Goodman Fielder - Summer Berry Pancakes Recipe

Step 4:

Slice the strawberries in half and banana into one centimetre pieces. Then, use the fresh fruit to top the pancakes and finish it off with a grizzle of maple syrup.





14th January 2020

Goodman Fielder Foodservice

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