CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™: more than simple commercial combi ovens

Revolutionising the world of commercial combi ovens

The new commercial combi ovens CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ can communicate and listen to you, learning how to act independently, advising you not only how to achieve the desired results but how to do so in the most effective way possible, in terms of speed, quality and energy savings.


1. They speak the chef's language

"Hey Unox!" is all you need to say to talk to your oven!

Through the feature, HEY.Unox, your oven will understand you, whatever language you speak, and will be able to interpret your needs thanks to voice recognition software and the use of artificial intelligence. They work in a very similar way to other devices that we now use daily through voice commands, primarily our smartphones. In fact, it is from them that we drew inspiration to develop the Digital.ID operating system, the most advanced ever installed on a commercial oven, featuring a fast, intuitive and customisable interface with enhanced hyper-connection functions. The operator will be able to create an account and then find it on all their devices, including their smartphone. In this way, any activity carried out on the device will also occur on the account and all ovens connected to it.


2. They see and recognise any food

In the kitchen you need a thousand eyes. Now you have one more... and it's smart too! Thanks to the revolutionary OPTIC.Cooking, the CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ commercial combi ovens will be able to see and recognise the type of food and then automatically start the most suitable cooking programme, modifying and adapting it according to the feedback they receive with each preparation.

Just imagine. You find yourself in a moment of great chaos at work, you put the tray you have prepared into the oven and you have to stop for a few minutes to set the correct cooking programme without making a mistake and being in a hurry. Now imagine that you can instead put that tray in the oven and never have to worry about anything again with the confidence that that food will be recognised and cooked with the most suitable programme for your desired result.

Your work will become faster and more reproducible and you'll get rid of those repetitive tasks that technology can do for you. This will give you more time to concentrate on thinking up new recipes or perfecting existing ones.


3. They learn and evolve with you

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, our CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ commercial combi ovens are able to autonomously choose the most suitable cooking method for a given food based on a series of pre-selected programmes. But what happens if that result, however flawless, is not what the chef wants?

As well as being 100% customisable with Individual.CHEFUNOX, through the use of feedback, CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ progressively adjust the cooking parameters to converge exactly to the result you have in mind, to cook the way you want in no time at all.

Build your own perfect recipe, endlessly replicable by all the members of your brigade.


4. They always cook impeccably

We have significantly enhanced the ventilation of the CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ ovens by increasing the number of fans in the chamber and through the AIR.tornado function by bringing their rotation speed up to 3600 rotations per minute. This reduces cooking times by up to 15% compared to conventional professional combi ovens.

The adoption of vertical heating elements for electric ovens and vertical heat exchangers for gas ovens guarantees perfect symmetry in heat production. And therefore maximum cooking uniformity in all load conditions. The ability to produce and extract steam has also been enhanced. With STEAM.Maxi™ you can go from 0% humidity to 100% in seconds. And with DRY.Maxi™ you can go from 100% steam saturation to 0% in even less time.


5. They help you save money and reduce your environmental impact

The CHEFTOP-X™ oven line is among more than 30 models of Unox commercial ovens that are ENERGY STAR® certified. This achievement is the result of an ongoing commitment to researching ever more innovative technological solutions that improve cooking performances by reducing energy consumption at every stage. In fact, an ENERGY STAR® oven helps you save up to 38.6% more than a non ENERGY STAR® certified oven.

To reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions, our latest combi ovens feature an intelligent technology called SMART.Energy, which constantly monitors the actual load conditions and when even a few watts can be saved by automatically activating the energy-saving mode. This technology is also able to understand when the oven is idle and activate the stand-by function that reduces the cooking chamber temperature and fan speed to eliminate energy waste.


6. A new way of cooking. More interactive and technological than ever.

These features make the new commercial combi ovens CHEFTOP-X™ and BAKERTOP-X™ revolutionary products that can make a real difference in a kitchen or workshop. This is why we could only choose the exclusive stage of HOST 2023 for a world premiere that left everyone speechless. If you missed it, there is an interview you should see with our CEO Nicola Michelon, who, being really enthusiastic about this milestone, wanted to share the secrets of these revolutionary technologies with the audience.


Find out more:

commercial combi oven

commercial combi oven




25th June 2024

UNOX : Commercial Kitchen Equipment

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